22nd October 2012
Since having a discussion with my group today, we have altered the initial idea of our 2 minute exercise. The main reason for this is because we felt that because this piece is more of a character study, we don't necessarily need as much of a storyline. Therefore, instead of the character going on a journey, we plan to display her character's personality, mannerisms and mental state in this piece.
The main idea for the 2 minute piece is now as follows:
Lola is making a den in her lounge at home. She lives with her parents whom are very over protective so a possible reason for this could be a form of escapism to shut out the world. She displays very particular attributes, for example, she lays out her teddies in a straight line, carefully unfolds the sheets and is careful about where she places them, as well as neatly placing a pile of colourful cushions on the ground before sitting amongst them.
I still want to keep the concept of everything she sees (POV) is brightly coloured, highly saturated with great contrast, juxtaposed with an almost greyscale effect from the realistic monotone colours of the room/world that surrounds her.
We also still plan to not see Lola's face until the last element of the sequence. This way, we can gain some interesting shots of her as she forms a beautiful escape in the form of a den. I would also like to ensure that the 'inner voice' of a child still shines through, be that through humming or little sentences now and then, to accentuate her child-like features.
Props would include brightly coloured sheets, blankets and cushions that represent Lola's personality - Maybe she has brought these down from her room to lighten up the dull decor of her parent's lounge? Her costume needs to also be bright. A 'onesie' may represent Lola's character perfectly - and because of the growing trend, it can still retain a realistic quality.
Lola still has a mental disability that is the reasoning behind her child-like actions.
Towards the end of the sequence, Lola will pick up some paper and crayons and begin to draw a picture of her sat in the park. The beginning of the 5-10 minute film will follow on from the ending, where Lola sees an opportunity to go to the park in her drawing when her mother leaves the back door open. Leaving the possibility for adventure...
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Many of the original concept is still incredibly relevant in the altered piece, however I feel like this version gives us more opportunity to explore Lola's character in more depth.
1. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=child%27s+indoor+den&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&rls=en&authuser=0&biw=1280&bih=680&tbm=isch&tbnid=ABB-huPM2M1ElM:&imgrefurl=http://bristolparentingcafe.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html&docid=H9vZchNzLhf6zM&imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRL5r_iBjnoA8_lNf6H9uL_VWZ8y2mo4kLA_EIPmYFNir9B5uio27TtJabeTSMKfq2o3ma0f47KjzH1xiaNoiNkZqggOY821bEXOglvy5cFJcv3Fmz65Bx3TU36stQ6N2PP9UbM5KkcA8/s1600/Bristol%252BParenting%252BCafe%252B-%252Bden%252Bmaking%252Bindoors.jpg&w=1024&h=683&ei=ebiaUO65JKi30QXy04CQCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=404&sig=117828630293561111691&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0,i:110&tx=66&ty=58