Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Filming Day 3 - 29/11/12

Originally, this day of filming was scheduled to take place on November 28th, however, our actress Fiona texted me to say she was working till late and wouldn't have been able to arrive for the time agreed. Although this set us back a little, I organised a shoot on the 2nd instead. As I was due to meet Fiona at the train station straight after I had finished work at around 5:15pm, I was a little disappointed that I was the member of the group left to text each of the crew to let them know what was happening and if they thought we had enough time to film. It proved difficult as I was travelling and also had to write on the Facebook group on my phone to contact everyone as a whole because a couple did not reply. I would have ideally liked the producer to take control of this situation.

29th November 2012: 8.30am - 10.30am
Crew: Myself, Leon, Hannah B and Jacob

  In order to gain some day time footage, Myself and the crew stated met in the city centre at early that morning. I was a little late due to my printer not working and I needed to print the shot list. However, when I arrived around 15 minutes late, I was surprised to see that everyone was waiting for me. I expected them to have begun setting up as they knew which scenes we planned to film and could have made a start to not waste time. However, after apologising, we begun filming.
Frame from the sequence we filmed.
  The particular section that we shot was of Lola as she walks out of the alley the next morning, along with her journey to the park in the light of day. I gained the shots I wanted, however, some point-of-view ones were a little shaky because Leon was so cold, yet there was not a lot we could have done about it.
  Jacob had to leave early to make his lecture at 11, and so this meant we were down a member of crew that was essential in that sync sound would have been ideal.
  This shoot was quite successful and we gained every shot on my shot list.

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About Me

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I'm currently a student at Sheffield Hallam University studying Film and Media Production. I'd like to hopefully be a film writer/director one day and I'd love to travel the world.